Adopt a Wingnut

As many already know, Rush Limbaugh just announced an Adopt a Soldier Program:
This involves soliciting money from listeners to pay for subscriptions to the Limbaugh letter and Rush 24/7 that will be "given" to the soldiers. Each listener can "adopt" as many soldiers as they wish who will each get a subscription. The donor pays the discounted price of $49.95 for each soldier.
Inspired by this selfless act of spontaneous generosity, Bluememe is launching its own Adopt a Wingnut program. For a mere three payments of $19.95 each, we will send to the wingnut of your choice a free subscription to all Bluememe content. But wait -- there's more. Your favored wingnut will also receive easy one-click access to all of Mister Bluememe's favorite editorials! Now how much would you pay? Don't answer yet, because you also get free, that's right -- free admission to all public gatherings of the Poor Man Institute for Freedom and Democracy and a Pony! These fabulous gifts are so exclusive that we cannot even assign a price to them, but are sure to be treasured by Dittoheads, Malkin-tents and LGF-ers everywhere.
Plus -- if you order now, you'll get the exclusive URLs of Mister Bluememe's favorite websites, and a handy index to every month of blog entries since the very beginning of our blog!
Call now -- operators are standing by! We accept Visa, MasterCard and Oxycontin.
Also included is free admission to all future Bush dog and pony shows, Big Lies and hypocrisy known as presidential press conferences.
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