Friday, October 07, 2005

I, Blockhead

"No man but a blockhead ever wrote, except for money."
Samuel Johnson

Today marks the one year anniversary of my internet debut. (My blogiversary is still a month off.) On October 7, 2004, Democratic Underground ran my piece “It’s the Stupidity, Stupid.” I’ve been vomiting forth ever since. The tally: 30 pieces, mostly on Raw Story, over the course of the year. That’s 30,000 words, give or take – about a third of an average novel. All of which has made me rich beyond dreams of avarice…not.

A year ago, I was optimistic that we would be able to unseat the dim bulb dauphin. That smile turned upside down on Election Day, and I went through a period of dark, bitter rants.

Much has changed in the last few months (for which I will continue to decline credit, your gushing praise to the contrary), and I have reached a place of, perhaps, dark optimism. But I still devote hours to pro bono wordsmithery, which means I am still a blockhead.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you might well be a blockhead, but as we say out here on the flatlands: i can dig it. thanks, comrade.

9:26 AM  

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