Friday, April 01, 2005

Republicans DeLayed = Republicans denied

Josh Marshall kinda makes the point, though in an uncharacterisitically roundabout way, when talking about the rising profile of the Hammer and the circling of the wagons around him.

When it comes to fighting about DeLay, it's all good. Democrats should be thrilled to see the Republican rank and file come to the Hammer's aid. DeLay's effectiveness was largely based on the fact that Joe Sixpack had no idea who he was, so attacks on him were ineffective. When he chose to lead with his chin on the Schiavo story, he finally became more the tallest nail and less the Hammer. And by defending him, the Republicans just help to raise his profile. And if every Republican in Congress wants to link arms with him, that is fine by me.

DeLay's overwhelming power over his party is now his last asset, and perhaps their greatest liability. My guess is that Ben Franklin's saying about hanging together is going to be ringing in a lot of ears over the coming weeks, though in reverse -- hanging with DeLay could lead to a large number of separate hangings.


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