Monday, March 14, 2005

Wanker of the day

Jeff Gannon:

While he is "on hiatus" from the White House briefing room, JimmyJeff lobs his whiffleballs from the comfort of his personal website. Today he exhibits the deep insight for which he is famous:

"'On Sunday, the New York Times reported that weapons sites were looted in the weeks following the invasion of Iraq. If there were no WMDs and the regime posed no threat as the media continues to emphasize, isn't this an insignificant revelation?'"

Amen, JimmyJeff. Ask the 150,000 or so U.S. troops in Iraq about the significance of the 380 tons of high explosives removed from Al Qa Qaa, which are the most likely primary source of the explosives which have been used to blow up Humvees and in all the deadly car bomb attacks since the Occupation began.

Ask the families of the roughly 200 American soldiers killed by IEDs, JimmyJeff. I'm sure they will all line up beside you to tell us all just how insignificant those weapons sites were.



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