Karma overload
Remember how, almost exactly a month ago, the conservo-punditocracy was so anxious to show us how credible and mainstream the National Enquirer is (when it happened to be exposing the John Edwards affair).

And remember how, a month or so before that we were told that Obama's pastor's sermons were relevant?
Double heh.

And remember how, a month or so before that we were told that Obama's pastor's sermons were relevant?
Double heh.
And then there's this...
Stealing from Rachel Ray! I mean I can't stand her either, but still.
The only real question is whether A&E, Bravo or MTV picks up the inevitable reality-based television show.
Possible show titles:
-My So-called Vice President
-A Bridge Too Far to Nowhere
-The Biggest Loser's Apprentice
(Because "Lost" is taken)
Even if the stories are true, we don't know what we're going to get. The Enquirer has its own priorities. Remember how it shielded Schwarzenegger?
The dogs may follow the scent, but who's holding the leashes?
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