I have been watching with amusement as Der Rocketführer has exposed the utter idiocy that is the latest tome from Jonah Goldberg, "Liberal Fascism," a book every bit as spray-your-coffee awful as its title suggests.
I though there might be additional amusement in the reviews over t' the Amazon, so I headed on over. I didn't immediately see any user reviews, but the fashion-forward retailer does helpfully allow users to tag their offerings. As of a few minutes ago, here were the top tags:
propaganda (43)
editor promised cake (33)
wingnut welfare (27)
doughy pantload (18)
conservative (15)
liberals bashing books not yet published (15)
must read (14)
politics (14)
censored by liberals (11)
censored by the left (10)
the truth (9)
finally the truth (8)
true (8)
i can has job mom (7)
ten pounds of crap in a five pound book (4)
waste of a good tree (4)
books written while high on cheeto dust (3)
pathetic revisionism (3)
relatives in high publishing places (3)
truth (3)
a fascist wannabe publishes his fantasie... (2)
banged out by howler monkeys (2)
cheetohesque (2)
doughbob loadpants (2)
doughy pantloads premiere (2)
if michelle malkin is over your head (2)
I bolded my faves; feel free to contribute your own. (I find the "censored by liberals/the left" meme especially amusing -- a book deal with Doubleday and lebensraum in the LA Times and the National Review are not attributes I usually associate with censored writers. But that's just me.)
I though there might be additional amusement in the reviews over t' the Amazon, so I headed on over. I didn't immediately see any user reviews, but the fashion-forward retailer does helpfully allow users to tag their offerings. As of a few minutes ago, here were the top tags:
propaganda (43)
editor promised cake (33)
wingnut welfare (27)
doughy pantload (18)
conservative (15)
liberals bashing books not yet published (15)
must read (14)
politics (14)
censored by liberals (11)
censored by the left (10)
the truth (9)
finally the truth (8)
true (8)
i can has job mom (7)
ten pounds of crap in a five pound book (4)
waste of a good tree (4)
books written while high on cheeto dust (3)
pathetic revisionism (3)
relatives in high publishing places (3)
truth (3)
a fascist wannabe publishes his fantasie... (2)
banged out by howler monkeys (2)
cheetohesque (2)
doughbob loadpants (2)
doughy pantloads premiere (2)
if michelle malkin is over your head (2)
I bolded my faves; feel free to contribute your own. (I find the "censored by liberals/the left" meme especially amusing -- a book deal with Doubleday and lebensraum in the LA Times and the National Review are not attributes I usually associate with censored writers. But that's just me.)
I'll have a blue Christmas, and a Jack and Coke, thank you very much.
Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah!
Here's to Blue Progress in the new year.
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