Hmmmmm.... perhaps "Mr. Justice Bluememe"....

I haven't talked about it much lately, but long-time readers may remember that I am Senior Recidivist with the Poor Man Institute for Freedom, Democracy and a Pony. You may even have visited the John Steinberg Memorial Virtual Reading Room and Kittenarium at the Institute. Virtually reading and kitteneriuming are often thankless work, but like taking out the garbage or wrapping a Baggie around your hand before picking up your dog's poop, somebody has to do it.
Anyways, the really nice thing about parking your butt in a political think tank is that, if you place your bet (butt?) well, you are well-positioned for a high-level government post when your spiritual leader takes political power.
It is therefore a terribly exciting time here at the JSMVRR&K, because the remarkably telegenic The Editors (see above) , the head of the Institute, has announced that he is running for President of the United States on the Connecticut For Lieberman Party ticket.
So, should we all be saluting President Editors in 2009, I expect that my loyal service will put me at the top of a very short list for --- yes, Supreme Court Justice.
My qualifications:
=More than 2000 published* opinions**.
=Pubic hair.
=Absolute, unblinking worship of my patron.
=Already have a robe.
=And, finally, an actual law degree, on the off chance that sort of thing matters to you.
*Assuming "posted in Blogger"= published.
**Assuming "Richard Cohen is an idiot" = an opinion.
Wow -- from lowly blogger to possible ascendancy to the highest court in the land. I guess the old saying is true: Do what you love, and the opportunity to help dismantle the Constitution will follow.
Oh, and for those who might worry that running a dinosaur for President is a bad idea:

That worked out pretty well.
At least for the dinosaur.
I was with you til the end. The degree overqualifies you.
If it helps, the degree is from a seriously over-rated school.
But I get that a lot. I can't seem to get the job I really want, no matter how convincingly I can say, "Would you like fries with that?"
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