Holy Gaucamole, Batman
Indications that we who blog have an effect out in the real world are still a bit scarce, as is evidence that the blog-reading community is a force to be reckoned with. But once in a while the virtual escapes into the real with measurable results.
Exhibit A: Glenn Greenwald's book is up on Amazon for pre-sales. (I ordered mine this morning.) Check out this screen cap from Amazon's list of top sellers:

#3. Ahead of "The DaVinci Code." Ahead of The MOF's "The World is Flat." Ahead of "Cobra II."
Exhibit A: Glenn Greenwald's book is up on Amazon for pre-sales. (I ordered mine this morning.) Check out this screen cap from Amazon's list of top sellers:

#3. Ahead of "The DaVinci Code." Ahead of The MOF's "The World is Flat." Ahead of "Cobra II."
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