The Crying Game
Wolcott is among the many looking askance at Mrs. Alito's tearful exit from the hearing room yesterday. I join the pooh-pooh parade, though I think trying to hang the blame on Lindsay Graham is pyschologically unsound -- it is sometimes when a sympathetic friend offers a shoulder that we cry, not during the trauma itself.
The thing I have not seen anyone comment on is the fact that just before Mrs. Alito dashed, the young woman to her left leaned over and said something to her. Who is that woman? I can't find her name anywhere -- but I am quite sure she is the same woman I saw interviewed on Monday or Tuesday. She is part of the Adminstration's team of Alito handlers and spinmeisters. Which raises the question: what did she say? Did she tell the Missus to walk out? It sure looked like cause and effect from here.....
Update: Eagle-eyed reader Adam informs us that the apparent acting coach is Rachel Brand, from the Attorney General's office. Wonkette has the 411.
Update #2: Yes, commenter Jeff. Using the nice lady's emotions for political gain would indeed be a reprehensible thing.

Oh, and I hope that the "Organization for the Bettement of Student Life" starts with remedial spelling, which would make life "bette" for all of us. (OTOH, props for avoiding anonymous trolling.)
The thing I have not seen anyone comment on is the fact that just before Mrs. Alito dashed, the young woman to her left leaned over and said something to her. Who is that woman? I can't find her name anywhere -- but I am quite sure she is the same woman I saw interviewed on Monday or Tuesday. She is part of the Adminstration's team of Alito handlers and spinmeisters. Which raises the question: what did she say? Did she tell the Missus to walk out? It sure looked like cause and effect from here.....
Update: Eagle-eyed reader Adam informs us that the apparent acting coach is Rachel Brand, from the Attorney General's office. Wonkette has the 411.
Update #2: Yes, commenter Jeff. Using the nice lady's emotions for political gain would indeed be a reprehensible thing.

Oh, and I hope that the "Organization for the Bettement of Student Life" starts with remedial spelling, which would make life "bette" for all of us. (OTOH, props for avoiding anonymous trolling.)
The woman in question is Rachel Brand, Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Policy.
Her dramatic moment was so staged it was pathetic- how the MSM can act all surprised about this is beyond me.
If she were going to cry, why would it be while one of Alito's coaches for the hearings, Lindsay Graham, is making jokes and building Alito up?
It's total bullshit but the media wont go back on its story now- it made an ass of itself all over primetime news yesterday- they will NEVER go back and admit this mistake.
Are you so hard up to find some conspiracy that you will try to destroy the wife of an appointee?
Is everything a conspiracy now?
Is every action of any supporter or opposer some desinged action?
Having literally no proof, just supposition, enough to pontificate that a wife who may be perfectly happy being a judge's wife finally breaks down by the pressure from both sides?
How inhumane do you have to be to assume she is so political as to cry on comman...
I suggest your humanity needs to be called into question that anyone disagreeing with you on substantive and understandible reasons must be some conspiracy to destroy your position.
Shame on you.
Jeff Barea,
Chairman, Organization for the Bettement of Student Life, Inc. (
....ahhh, you may be right Jeff. But please remember that we have been lied to and misled so often by this administration, it's hard to know anymore what is truth and what is lies, isn't it?
With your Bushies, black is white, up is down, night is day, heroism is cowardice and tough questioning of a lifetime political appointee who may hold the future of this country in his hands is a personal attack on his family.
This country is in bullshit overload status, and it's just hard to tell when someone may actually be telling the truth, isn't it?
Historys shows that:
1. If its politics, its scripted.
2. If its on TV, is scripted.
3. If its an event involving a major
political party, its scripted.
4. If its a Republican event, its
scripted but skillfully.
Alito's wife could have felt the tears coming and left to go to the bathroom to regain her composure. Instead, she cried on national television from her perch behind her husband. She started crying some time after the Dems questioned Alito. Predictably, the crying was interpreted to mean she was upset over the "tough" questioning of her husband. Perhaps she contemporaneously was recalling that scene at the end of "Free Willy." Drudge used it for propaganda purposes.
The most annoying thing about Alito, aside from the fact that the Scalito meme has me thinking that he's Scalito, is that he didn't answer any of Leahy's questions regarding the the Jackson and Thomas views on executive power. Instead he droned on incomprehensively.
These hearings are a joke.
Oh, and FYI, the term "unitary executive" is a euphemism for "dictator," so remind everyone not to use it.
It's political theater. Nationally televised. Of course it was scripted.
Gobbels couldn't have done it better.
I wonder how poor Martha-Ann felt when the questioning ended yesterday, her husband was thanked for his participation, and he then blew out of the hearing room without so much as a glance towards her and the rest of his family. I would have thought most men who had just undergone 3 grueling days would have gone right to his wife and family for hugs and the whole family would have left the room together. Perhaps that, more than anything else, speaks to the character of this man. Now you've got something to really cry about, Mrs. Alito.
How inhumane do you have to be to assume she is so political as to cry on comman...
I suggest your humanity needs to be called into question that anyone disagreeing with you on substantive and understandible reasons must be some conspiracy to destroy your position.
Shame on you.
Jeff Barea,
Chairman, Organization for the Bettement of Student Life, Inc. (
Listen you degenerate conswervative cretin peice of sh*t - Rethuglicans have done nothing BUT tear down the wife of President Clinton for 10 years now. As far as I'm concerned, this is just a little tit for tat. Alito's whore dog can boo-hoo all she wants. Pay back is hell, ain't it? Now if we can just get a few tears out of that dried up twat bitch manslaughterer Laura "cunt" Bush...
You're joking, right? If not, this paranoid conspiracy crap is not helping at all. It makes us Dems look desperate. Ted Kennedy didn't help the cause much at the hearings, did he? We need some new, rational voices leading the way.
Chairman Jeff, do you own a dictionary, or can you find one online? Perhaps it is "understandible" that you make up your own spelling rules. You are probably involved with a school that teaches Intelligent "Desing".
From the OBSL main page: "OBSL’s conservative student newspaper management team is composed of college and university students. The staff is composed of student, faculty, and staff members of each university and college it operates on. It is currently lead by Jeffrey Barea, the founding Chairman of the Board.
Apparently, Mr. Barea's strong suit is not spelling or grammar. No big deal though, he just runs a newspaper.
North Texas is where the newspaper is located. Isn't Texas where the Swifties got their start? I'm sure it's just a coincidence.
Shaddap Jeff, you partisan whore. Of course it was scripted, you bonehead.
Wake up, wouldya?
devil's advocate here, from a liberal... there are some professional actresses who can't even tear up on cue, much less sob... the emotions may have been genuine - but they weren't our fault! why does the wife come along to a job interview? SCOTUS hearings are not for the faint of heart...
as for what Brand said, it could have been that she was letting Mrs. Alito know it was ok to get up and leave if she needed to...
I think we need to counter consternative misinfo on this, but not produce our own... if we stay in the factual realm we stay above the crap...
You can't really value the opinion of someone who's signature seems to always include "Shame on you." That is a core Republican value. Throw shame at others to distract from oneself.
Oh and by the by...there is an "r" in Betterment, even at your website, why not include it in your posts?
The Simple Life:
Despite your Hillary Clinton guide to Politics, I'm not a Republican. Nor have I ever voted for George Bush, so keep on with the partisan attacks. They are lost on us independent minded people.
Deal with the issues raised, not hide behind some assumed profile you have created for anyone that says anything the least bit different.
As for my alleged spelling "mistakes." There are a few words that have gotten on my noiyve the past few days. My punishment to them is to mispell them.
For radical leftist anarchists, it seems a bit weird that the only rules you believe in are spelling rules.
Jeff Barea
Choreman, Organization for the Butterment of Student Life, Inc.
PS Shame on Merriam Webster...Oh, and you.
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